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  • Accuracy is ± (0.03% of reading + 0.03% of full scale) with 3DT-132, LPT-130 or MPT-132 probe

  • Can be used with a 3DT 3-axis probe or three individual MPT-132 or LPT-130 (need separate 3D probe holder).

  • Easy touch screen interface

  • Data logging

  • 3-Channel, 3-Axis 

  • Can be mounted as bench top or on standard 19"rack panel 

DTM-333 Digital Teslameter / Gaussmeter , 3-Axis, 3-Channel

SKU: 01610000
PriceFrom $7,534.00
  • Digital Teslameter unit, touchscreen interface, serial communications, ideally use for no temperature-compensation probes.


    The DTM-333 is a new generation of Digital Teslameter/Gaussmeter but includes the same tried and tested reliable technology used in previous versions.  The technology and accuracy is the same as the Group3 DTM-133 but in a 3D or 3 Channel environment. We have taken great care to ensure the product is backwardly compatible in all ways. There is no need to buy new probes if you already have some - the DTM-333 can accept all models of Group3 Hall probes. 

    The new DTM-333 has 2 main operating modes - Axis (3D Mode and Channel Mode. In Axial mode the 3D probe is used (3DT-130 or 3DT-230). This means the Teslameter operates exclusively as a combined 3 axis instrument. When a mode is changed ie. range is set to 1 then all axis follow similarly when zeroing. In channel mode each channel is able to be operated independently of the other allowing the user the flexibility of 3 separate channels for 3 separate tasks including being able to use different specification probes. This means the DTM‐333 is a very flexible instrument.

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